bakerdays| Letterbox Cake Review

Who knew that letterbox cakes existed?

I certainly didn’t until a lovely company called bakerdays contacted me last week and asked if they could send Penelope a birthday cake in return for an honest review.

Whilst browsing through the array of designs on the website, I struggled to pick one because they were all so amazing. I also had the option of asking them to customise, which I had contemplated until I seen the Llama unicorn cake.

Penelope is unicorn and llama obsessed so it seemed like the perfect choice and we chose to have it personalised with her name.

They had a large selection of flavours including gluten and dairy free, but we chose the vanilla as that’s her favourite.

Not sure on how these things worked I waited patiently and a few days later it was popped through my letterbox. THROUGH THE LETTERBOX. I couldn’t believe it. It was presented in the most gorgeous little tin, carefully packed and absolutely beautiful.

We have the 5inch cake, which is perfect to send as a gift to someone, and where it may look small it was happily split between the four of us and there is still a bit left over.

The cake itself was fluffy and moist and full of lovely vanilla flavour, topped off with just the right amount of jam and butter cream.

It is one of the tastiest cakes we’ve had for a while and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.

Penelope thought it was absolutely delicious and was excited to open it when it arrived.

I was really pleasantly surprised with the whole experience and would 100% buy from here and recommend it to others.

I think it’s an innovative idea. It’s something a little bit unique that you can send to someone on their birthday or other occasion, and at such a great price, who could say no!

Bravo to bakerdays and thanks so much for letting us review this for you.

Links for bakerdays website and Instagram down below

Rainbow sensory gifts | My guest blog post

Our life has been filled with sensory exploration for around 7 years.

When I first expected that Harri had sensory processing disorder and autism, he was around 14 months old. He had no interest in baby toys unless they flashed, and hated anything that made noise, we found it increasingly difficult (and still do 8 years on) to find him anything that kept his interest longer than a few seconds, or that didn’t cause him sensory overload.

We started off with very basic light up toys, little flashing balls, changeable light bulbs, flashing bath toys etc.

Bath time used to be a really hard time for us, he absolutely hated water, hated having his hair washed or brushed, hated having his teeth brushed. And what many people don’t realise is that there are so many sensory toys and equipment that can help make these things easier.

Simple things like adding flashing lights to the bath or tap, toothbrushes and toothpaste that are made specifically for children with SPD and you can buy little sand timers which really helped as a visual aid, coral sponges are lovely and soft once wet and ideal for children that don’t like to be touched or get too wet. But not only that, one of the best ways to conquer a fear of water is to introduce it into play, same with sand, grass and dirt.

We had some amazing services involved when Harri was little, portage being the main one. Who taught us all the wonders of sensory play and the benefits for not only children with special needs but children in general of all ages, and when Harri was 3 we made him the most amazing sensory room complete with a bubble tube and fiberoptic lights, that were mainly supplied by a charity called Caudwell fund.

This was his own space, where if he was having a meltdown or a particularly bad day, he could go to relax amongst the lights and his little flashing toys and it would calm him.

During the time when he was a baby, there wasn’t much available like what Katie produces. No one did sensory packs, and the ones that were available from bigger sensory companies weren’t affordable, so we had to make do with things we could find or make ourselves, I would have been so grateful to have had a company like Rainbow Sensory Gifts, where I would know the things were safe and carefully thought out. I would have benefited from having Katie in general to bounce ideas back and forth and I’m so thankful that I have somewhere I can grab all these wonderful toys at such affordable prices to help Fraser learn and develop his skills.

Fine motor and hand eye coordination skills will always be big milestones for us because Harri didn’t learn to wave, point, clap until he was around 3, we’re still working on his pincer grasp and he’s now 8 years old.

Fraser with the help of Katie’s deluxe sensory bag, is already trying to do the open and closed wave at 6 months old, he can move objects between hands, pick some smaller objects up like her wooden rainbow blocks, spikey flashing balls and ribbon wands.

He’s been learning how to problem solve by hiding items underneath his scarfs and finding them, and pulling the scarfs through an Oball.

One of the big things for us is that Fraser has a flat head at the back, he had stiffness in one side of his neck and absolutely hated tummy time, this is why we originally bought the deluxe sensory bag, to encourage tummy time but also to use things like the flashing ball, mirror, visual cards and bells to get him to move his head from side to side.

This all helped immensely and whilst his head is still flat because he can’t sit unaided, he spends the majority of the day now on his tummy, rolling around the room trying to reach his sensory toys. And he can now move his head from side to side with no issue.

I also think when we have access to sensory toys like Katie produces, it encourages us to play more and educate ourselves more about learning through play and it’s benefits, which is so so important. You don’t have to spend an absolute fortune like I was led to believe, I spent hundreds of pounds all those years ago, and the equipment from caudwell, whilst absolutely amazing, was worth a lot of money and I could have never ever afforded to have bought it myself.

We’re lucky now that we have people like Katie, and resources more readily available. Instagram and Pinterest didn’t exist then. My ideas were my own and it was so stressful not really knowing what I was doing. Which is why Katie’s little information booklet which gives you ideas on how to use the items in the bags, is so amazing.

I’m not sure about anyone else but I find babies really hard work to entertain and not only that, it also meant that after we had played, he was quite happy to lie on the floor with a few bits from the sensory bag whilst I pottered on around the house or just had 5 minutes to myself and I never had to try and think of games to play or activities to do with the toys because I had them right in that booklet.

Fraser has been using Katie’s sensory toys since he was around 5 weeks old, and he will continue to use them into toddlerhood.

I really look forward to seeing what rainbow sensory gifts has in store for the future and will continue to support her every step of the way because without a company like hers I’d still be struggling to find what I need at amazing value, to help Fraser learn and

develop all these awesome skills.

Links for Katie’s Website and Instagram below

Vatos Inflatable sensory tummy time mat | Review | Gifted

We were lucky enough to be gifted the most amazing sensory water mat from vatso toys for Fraser.

He’s 6 months old and hard to entertain at times, and not sitting unaided as of yet. So this is absolutely perfect for tummy time!

The bright colours engaged him immediately, he loves chasing the foam shapes with his hands and making the water splash inside. It’s great for developing hand eye coordination and fine motor skills, and will be great for any baby to develop strength in their upper body.

Fraser absolutely hated tummy time and this would have been a godsend.

We had a really hard time getting him to lie on his front for more than a couple of seconds and he actually developed flat head which has now started to rectify itself through doing sensory play.

Ideal for those none messy sensory play sessions, easy to transport around the house or to the garden and great to take with you on your travels!

We’re always looking for things that are easy to pack as we travel up north to visit family quite a bit.

This is so easy to prepare, you just fill the middle (we used luke warm water) and then inflate the edge, then you’re ready to go!

Suitable for 3 months upwards and a total bargain.

This is a great addition to any sensory collection or a great starting point. I’d honestly recommend this to anyone with small children.

We are so thankful to review this for you, Fraser is having a whale of a time (see what I did there)

Links for Instagram and amazon below

I’m Back!

Wow, it was like travelling through time looking through my old blog posts, I only ever intended to take a short break and here we are 4 years later!

Like with everything life got in the way, I’ve since had another baby and moved 300 miles away from Newcastle to Kent to be with my partner Joe. Who I met on Xbox but that’s a story for another time..

So I thought I’d do a basic introduction post again as you’ll all have forgotten me by this point.

I’m Sam, Mother of 3 beautiful children.

Harri is 8, Penelope is 6 and Fraser is 6 months old. Partner to Joseph and we live in Chatham, Kent.

I’m a self taught photographer, still learning the ropes but have just recently set up my own business ‘Penelope Ophelia Photography’ which is named after my daughter due to taking my diploma in dark room photography whilst I was pregnant with her.

Currently specialising in family photography and product photography, and my idea is to be affordable to everyone whether it be families or small businesses.

‘Why start your blog back up after such a long time?’

I hear you, it’s been ages but I did really used to enjoy it. I’m trying to get back into the swing of things and doing more things for myself, I had contemplated deleting and starting again but I think it’s nice to leave the old posts so you can see how much my interests have changed over time.

I’ve also gained more of a following on Instagram as of late, and I generally like interacting with other parents and brands, I think a blog is the next step to add to my profile and I’ve missed writing and reviewing on a bigger platform.


Photography obviously.

Still completely obsessed with interior design and over the next year we’re buying the house and lots of work needs doing. So there will be updates on that when the wheels are set in motion.

Very into movies, series. Basically a Netflix pro, if you want a recommendation check out my highlights on Instagram, although that also needs an update but there isn’t much I haven’t seen!

Always looking for new things to watch so if you have any of your own recommendations, throw them my way.

Huge learn through play advocate, especially sensory toys so I’ll be posting about that quite a bit.

Kids fashion, which has been a recent thing really. We’re brand reps for several small companies on Instagram and it’s all stemmed from that. We are massive supporters of small businesses and try to only buy from insta/Etsy shops when we can.

This is also how the product photography started and the companies have all been an amazing help and support. But we will go into that later too.

You can still expect reviews from me, we have been lucky over the past few months to have been gifted some items in exchange for honest reviews and photographs and this is a great platform to do that on.

So.. I think we’re all caught up. Bit of a boring one to start with but felt it needed doing.

Link for Instagram

Hope you’re all well and Happy Hump Day!

I cut my hair off for charity! 


Thought I would give you all a quick update on my hair! 

Basically if you have been following me for a while you will know that I dyed my hair black to blonde. Then purple and eventually grey. 

I tried everything to keep my hair grey but even the hairdressers couldn’t get it to last longer than a week. 

My hair was left in really bad condition, and along with my hair falling out due to stress my dermatitis on my scalp was pretty bad. 

So I decided to dye it back to black. Although this slightly helped with the condition. I felt my hair still looked and felt dreadful. 

As most of you know my little boy is autistic. So I decided to cut my hair off and raise money for the National Autistic Society. They have been such a great source of information since the diagnoses process started and I wanted to be able to give something back. 

So I went from this :  


To this :  


The hairdresser did get a bit scissor happy. And it was slightly shorter than I wanted which makes it difficult to style the original way I wanted too. However I really love it, I actually prefer wearing it in the pixie style. 

Now when my hair grows back eventually it will be in great condition! 

I managed to raise over £450 thanks to my very generous and wonderful friends. 

So just another shoutout to those of you who did donate. Thankyou so much for making this transition so much easier by donating what you could. It is massively appreciated and I love you all. 

Thanks for reading! 


Lush Cosmetics Product Review: The Experimenter 


The Experimenter Bath Bomb


This has a really strong smell, which I must admit when it first arrived I wasn’t particularly keen on. 

However I was so excited that it had finally appeared on the Lush website as its previously been a Oxford street exclusive. 

As soon as it hit the water, the smell seemed to immediately change. Into more of a floral and musk type smell. It actually reminded me of Ylang Ylang incense sticks! 


As you can see in the video, the second you drop it into the water, it gives off the most beautiful rainbow of colour. It also makes a crackling type noise which is something I haven’t experienced before from their bath bomb range. 



Once it has disolved, the water is a deep purple. If you use a bubble bar alongside prior to putting the bomb in, the colours will rest on the bubbles and last a bit longer. 

The smell remains on your skin once you are out the bath and have dried off. It also leaves a very light shimmer on your skin as it has some gold glitter in it, but nothing like the Pheonix Rising bath bomb, where it looks like you have bathed in a tub of glitter 😏

Would I recommend it? 

Most definitely, it’s the most colourful bath bomb I’ve tried from their collection so far, in fact nothing quite comes close to it. 

Kids will love it too because of how bright it is! 

Thanks for reading, let me know if you have tried this in the comments below and what you thought of it! 




Wow, 500 followers is pretty amazing!

Thanks so much for everyone who has followed, commented, liked and shared my posts. You will never know how much I appreciate it! 

When I first started my blog a couple of months back, I never imagined people would take such an interest in what I had to say! 

I’ve met some lovely people along the way and hope to meet many more. 

Also a quick mention for my Instagram followers which hit 1000 last week, thanks so much for everything. 

I equally enjoy reading and commenting on your things too, I always follow back! I have gotten some great tips from some of you and have tried many products that you’ve recommended. 

Hope you all have a lovely day 💕💕




Kate Moss Long lasting Lipstick swatches (Rimmel) 


I have still only managed to grab 2 of the 5 from the new Kate Moss Nude range, but I absolutely LOVE them and I can’t wait to get the other shades. 

They smell divine, they are long lasting, moisturising and make your lips look lovely and plump. 

I also managed to grab one from the other range. Which I love equally as much, even though I don’t wear much pink, I’ve found that I’ve been wearing this one quite a lot!  


Shade 40 (Nude) 


Shade 43 (Nude) 


Shade 101 (Light pink)  



Top : Shade 40

Middle : Shade 43 

Bottom : Shade 101

As I’ve said above, I’m super happy with these. They are by far my favourite lipsticks at the moment, hopefully will be able to get a few more over the next couple of weeks. 

Thanks so much for reading! 



Quiet time = Impossible 


I’m super sorry I’ve been so quiet this past week, the kids have got me demented (damn you summer holidays). 

I literally have zero time to myself, so I’m finding it difficult to be able to blog at the minute but I will try and do a few beauty reviews this week when I eventually get around to it. I have a few other items and companies that I want to talk about too, so hopefully at some point this week I may actually get some time to do it! 

This house has been full of tantrums/meltdowns/fighting/crying and I’m EXHAUSTED. 

It’s really difficult keeping both the kids entertained because they like different things. I don’t get out a lot due to Harri not really coping well outdoors (ASD and sensory issues) and I really struggle when I’m on my own. 

I really feel the need for some time to meditate at the minute, but finding perfect silence is almost impossible when you have children! I’m going to grab my Zen colouring book and give that a go instead. 

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you are all well! 

